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Automated Reports

Automated Reporting allows the user to have reports emailed automatically. Once subscriptions to key reports are set up, they are sent every day, week, fortnight, month, or any day of the month by email.

Automated reporting is controlled by the user and is user specific.

This functionality is a key advantage for users as it saves time compared to logging on and running the reports manually.

It is generally used for running reports that are required on a regular basis and are for information only– reports such as the D53 (driver overdue downloads), D30 (WTD Forecasting), V14 (Vehicle overdue downloads) and the D14 (Period Tachograph Report).

Any RHA Analysis report can be scheduled to run as an automated report. This means that the report will run automatically on a chosen date.

Reports will run on the chosen date at approximately 0300hrs and will run regardless of any data being present.

To use this feature, click on the Automated Report tab from the RHA Analysis main menu.



This will produce the Automated Report Manager.



Click on the ‘Add New Automated Report’ button in the top left-hand corner of the page.  A new window will appear containing the list of reports that you can automate. (see below)



Reports are split into Driver, Site, and Vehicle. Remember, these reports are user specific and controlled by the user logged in at the time. Each individual user can create as many reports as they wish.


To Schedule a report, click the name of the report you want to schedule. This will then open a pop up containing the settings for this report.



From here you set the:

  1. Schedule (which day of the week, month, or fortnight) you want the report sent on.
  2. Date Range (Current week, 1 week ago, current month, 1 month ago etc) you want the report to show.
  3. File Format (PDF, Excel) that you wish to receive the report in.
  4. Language (English, Polish) you wish the report to be sent in.
  5. Active (used to turn the report off and on).
  6. Email Addresses (each email address you wish the report to be received on, separated by a semicolon).
  7. Drivers (all or untick this and select a category(s)).
  8. Fleet (all fleets or untick this and select an individual fleet, if you have multiple fleet access).
  9. Parameters (if the report has parameters i.e. D14 only driver with points over 0.01 or All Drivers) Parameters are individual to the report selected.

Dependant on the report type you will also be able to pick a vehicle category. Once you have set all the details required, click on Save to close this window and return to the previous page where you will be able to now see this report.

If you wish to change the settings or deactivate the scheduled report click on the Edit button for that report. 


Article ID:
Views: 701
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 9/25/2018 9:11 AM
Last Modified: 10/19/2018 1:21 PM
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