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Reports Explanations

There are 4 types of reports you can run


34 different Driver Reports


11 different Vehicle Reports


21 different Site/Divisions Reports


1 Category Report

Driver Reports


The following is a list of the available driver reports, with descriptions of each report detailed in the section below

1 - Chart Record Report Monthly

5 - Driver Infringement History Report

6 - Drivers Infringement Hours Law Report

7 - Drivers Infringement Summary Report

8 - Driver RTD Bar Chart Report

9 - Driver Summary by Name

12 - Last Chart Received

13 - Missing EDR/SDR Monthly Report
       (Analogue Charts Only)

14 - Period Tachograph Report

15 - Tachograph Errors Report - Driver Influenced

16 - Tachograph Errors Report - Non Driver Influenced

27 - Wages by Driver Report

28 - Driver Timesheet Report

29 - Weekly Productivity Report
30 - Driver RTD Forecasting Report

31 - Driver RTD Weekly Report

34 - Till Roll Data Detailed Report

35 - Rest Period Before/After Other Work of Less than X Minutes

36 - Missing EDR/SDR Detailed Report

37 - Missing EDR/SDR Condensed Report

38 - Condensed Driver Infringement Summary Report

40 - Graduated Penalties Detail Report
41 - Driver Summary Per Day

42 - Driver Wages Report 

43 - Driver Wages Summary
44 - All Driver Infringement Summary
46 - Clocked Hours Difference
52 - DCS Charts Not Scanned
53 - DCS Digital Download Warning
55 - DCS Charts not Scanned Summary 
56 - Attestation Report

99 - Driver Next Start


Driver reports descriptions:

1 - Chart Record Report Monthly

This report identifies the drivers - listed alphabetically - whose charts have been processed during the selected calendar month. You can filter this to show only digital records or to show all records.

5 - Driver Infringement History Report

This shows the amount of infringements for drivers as a group. This report displays the information as weeks during the selected period.

6 - Drivers Infringement Hours Law Report

This report show detailed infringements for each selected driver.

7 - Drivers Infringement Summary Report

This displays a summary of infringements. This may be sorted by either driver name (alphabetical order), by their number of points per duty or by % Infringement points per duty.

8 - Driver RTD Bar Chart Report

This report displays the Working Time Directive Reports for the selected drivers for the current RTD Period. It illustrates for each driver the daily duty by activity in the form of a bar chart.  You can sort the report alphabetically by name or sort by working time. You can also set the number of drivers to be displayed per page; we recommend 10-20 for clarity.

The beginning date is pre-set, but you will need to choose the end date which must be a Sunday.

9 - Driver Summary Reports

This reports detail total duties, the duration of total time, drive, other work, total breaks, distances travelled, average KPH and POA per duty for each driver in the specified date range.

This report can be:

Ordered by Driver Name

Ordered by Km per Duty

Ordered by Kilometres per Hour (speed)

12 - Last Chart Received

This report displays the date of the last chart received - digital or analogue - for each driver selected. It can be sorted by name or date.

13 - Missing EDR/SDR Report (Analogue Charts Only)

This report identifies those drivers - listed alphabetically - who have NOT entered one or both start and/or finish times correctly during the calendar month selected.


14 - Period Tachograph Report

This report details each driver's activity and Infringements during the Report Date Range. This is the report the driver and supervisor may use to review and sign-off infringements following discussion.

This report requires additional parameters and a filter will appear from which the user may select all or drivers with more than 0.01 points per duty as this will only pick up drivers with any pointed infringements.

15 - Tachograph Errors Report - Driver Influenced

This report displays errors on charts that the driver enters and has control over. For example: Incorrect or illegible name, date or vehicle registration.

16 - Tachograph Errors Report - Non Driver Influenced

This shows errors over which the driver has no control, e.g. faulty speed trace or vehicle or tacho fault.

27 - Wages by Driver Report

This is available in an Excel or a standard reporting format. The report allows managers to see exact days, dates, hours, vehicle registration numbers, mileage, start and end ODO readings, lead in and lead out times, and breakdowns of time for every driver. This information may be used to predict and calculate wage and agency bills.

29 -  Weekly Productivity Report
This report is useful for multi-drop companies to identify when drops are occuring.

30 - Driver RTD Forecasting Report
This can be found with reports [8] and [31] in the tree list.

This report forecasts the number of hours that drivers may still work without exceeding RTD settings. Only the end date can be set for this report and it must be a Sunday. A filter will appear asking whether you would like to sort either by name or by working time.

31 - Driver RTD Weekly Report

This can be found with reports [8] and [30] in the tree list.

This is a powerful report which generates an in-depth weekly RTD summary report on each driver. The report includes an exportable table and a bar chart highlighting key information graphically. The report also shows the history and forecasting data for the driver; this helps calculate theoretical work patterns and improve rota planning. You can choose which week to run the report for or manually enter an end date - it must be a Sunday.

33 - Till Roll Data Summary Report

This is a summary report for selected drivers during chosen date ranges. The report highlights any changes that may have been made to digital data.

34 - Till Roll Data Detailed Report

This report gives you a detailed breakdown of what changes were made to digital data and when. (See above)

35 - Rest Period Before/After Other Work of Less than X Minutes

This report allows you to set the minutes relating to the relevant rest intervals before or after other work. A filter will appear to allow you to set the minutes.

36 - Missing EDR/SDR Detailed Report
This can be found next to report [13] and [37] in the tree list.

This report lists what digital driver manual information is missing. Drivers are shown alphabetically.

37 - Missing EDR/SDR Condensed Report
This can be found next to report [13] and [36] in the tree list. This is a condensed version of the D13 report.

38 - Condensed Driver Infringement Summary Report

This can be found next to reports [5], [6] and [7] in the tree list.

This is a condensed list of driver names and infringements (technical or Hours Law) that occurred on dates within the chosen range.

40 - Graduated Penalties Detail Report
This report can be used as a training/warning tool as it generates a detailed list of the infringements that could have incurred a penalty during the selected date range. What the infringement would have cost is also included. As above, only Hours Law infringements are taken into account.

The report can be sorted by either driver name or total of what the penalties could have cost.

41 - Driver Summary Per Day

42 - Driver Wages Report

43 - Driver Wages Summary

44 - All Driver Infringement Summary
This displays a summary of infringements. This may be sorted by either driver name (alphabetical order), by their number of points per duty or by % Infringement points per duty. This version of the report shows all infringement's including ones not created during the period of time the report was generated for. This is to allow for exporting of the data on a regular basis.

46 - Clocked Hours Difference
This report shows the difference between the start and end time (if you have our clocking facility) and the start and end time recorded on the tachograph.

52 - DCS Charts Not Scanned
This will create a letter (driver by driver) showing the analogue charts not scanned (if you use this function in the DCS).

53 - DCS Digital Download Warning
This will create a report that shows you the download days since the last time the drivers card was read into the system. This can be filtered on the numbers of days to suit your company policy.

55 - DCS Charts not Scanned Summary 
This will create a letter showing the analogue charts not returned (if you use this function in the DCS).

56 - Attestation Report
This report creates the attestation documents required if a vehicle is going outside of the United Kingdom.


99 - Driver Next Start Report By Driver

This report shows the next possible start time for the selected drivers.


Vehicle Reports

 The following is a list of the available vehicle reports, with descriptions of each report detailed in the section below.

2 - Odometer Disparity Report
5 - Vehicle Mileage Report
6 - Vehicle Report (All vehicle movements incl. missing miles for period)
10 - Vehicle Chart Record Monthly Report
11 - Vehicle Chart Record Weekly Report
13 - Cross Site Vehicle Report
14 - VCS Vehicle Download Warning
15 - Daily Vehicle Kilometers

Vehicle Report Descriptions

2 - Odometer Disparity Report
This reports any anomalies related to odometer readings for the vehicles selected during the chosen date range.

A filter will appear where you are able to set two parameters: Ignoring unrecorded distances less than or equal to X Km and Ignoring overlaps of less than or equal to X Km.

5 - Vehicle Mileage Report
This report presents a list of the selected vehicles and their corresponding:

- Total amount of Km's recorded during the date range
- Average trip in Km during the date range
- Total amount of miles recorded during the date range
- Average trip in miles during the date range
- Last used date of the vehicle
- First used date of the vehicle (for the fleet the vehicle currently belongs to)
- Start Odo reading of the vehicle (for the fleet the vehicle currently belongs to)

6 - Vehicle Report
(All vehicle movements incl. missing miles for period)

This vehicle report presents the duties for chosen vehicles during the selected date range. The list shows date, driver name, start and end locations, start and end odometer readings, distance in km, start and end time, total drive, total other work, total POA, total break, total duty time and average speed. Missing and overlapping mileage is also reported. 

A filter will appear where you are able to set two parameters: Ignoring unrecorded distances less than or equal to X Km and Ignoring overlaps of less than or equal to X Km.

10 - Vehicle Chart Record Monthly Report
This report identifies the number of charts used and processed for chosen vehicles during the selected calendar month. Only the vehicles selected, with data for that month, will appear on the report.

The report is shown with vehicles listed alphabetically (by registration number) in table format.

11 - Vehicle Chart Record Weekly Report

This report shows a summary of the amount of charts used by a selected vehicle, per day, for a chosen week period. Only the vehicles selected, with data for that week, will appear on the report.

The report is shown with vehicles listed alphabetically (by registration number) in table format.

13 - Cross Site Vehicle Report
This vehicle report presents the duties for chosen vehicles during the selected date range. The list shows date, driver name, start and end locations, start and end odometer readings, distance in km, start and end time, total drive, total other work, total POA, total break, total duty time and average speed. Missing and overlapping mileage is also reported. However, this report will look at all depots in your fleet and show all data found. This helps to remove missing mileage caused by drivers being read at different depots.

A filter will appear where you are able to set two parameters: Ignoring unrecorded distances less than or equal to X Km and Ignoring overlaps of less than or equal to X Km.

14 - VCS Vehicle Download Warning
This report will show the vehicles that are over the number of days (set in the report parameters)  that the vehicle should have been downloaded. 

15 - Daily Vehicle Kilometers
This report shows the total daily mileage (including start and end odo values) for each day in the period selected that your vehicle/vehicles were driven.


Site Reports


The following site reports are available

1 - Points Scheme Values Report

3 - Site Infringement Summary

26 - Site KPI Driver Breaks Report

27 - Site KPI Driver Lead In Report

28 - Site KPI Driver Lead Out Report

29 - Site KPI Driver First Drive Report

30 - Site KPI Driver Last Drive Report

40 - Site Unknown Driver Report

41 - Driver Licence Expiry

42 - Infringements without Debriefs

43 - Digital Driver Licence Expiry report (DB Expiry)

44 - Driver Card Change Tracker

45 - Cross Site Infringement Summary

46 - Cross Site Driver RTD Report

99 - Driver Next Start

Site reports descriptions

1 - Points Scheme Values Report
This report lists the points scheme in operation for the chosen site. The system can be set with various Points schemes encapsulating driver infringements and performance measures for the site.

3 - Site Infringement Summary
This report compares all the Infringement types for all the selected sites. The report may be sorted alphabetically or by points per duty, (click on your preference to select).  If the sites have 'Infringement Points' then sites will be listed in descending order according to the average 'Infringement Points' per duty. 

26 - Site KPI Driver Breaks Report
This report shows drivers and the dates on which a selected number of break minutes have been exceeded during a chosen date range.

This report can be filtered by drivers whose breaks exceed or are less than X minutes.

27 - Site KPI Driver Lead In Report
This report shows drivers and the dates on which a selected number of lead-in minutes have been exceeded during the chosen date range.

This report can be filtered by drivers whose lead-in time exceeds or is less than X minutes.

28 - Site KPI Driver Lead Out Report
This report shows drivers and the dates on which a selected number of lead-out minutes have been exceeded during the chosen
date range.

This report can be filtered by drivers whose lead-out time exceeds or is less than X minutes.

29 - Site KPI Driver First Drive Report
This report shows drivers who broke their first drive period of a duty (for a selected number of minutes) to stop for a break of a selected number of minutes.

This report can be filtered by drivers who broke their first drive of more than (>) or less than (<) X minutes and stopped for more than (>) or less than (<) minutes.

30 - Site KPI Driver Last Drive Report
This report shows drivers who broke their last drive period of a duty (for a selected number of minutes) to stop for a break of a selected number of minutes.

This report can be filtered by drivers who broke their first drive of more than (>) or less than (<) X minutes and stopped for more than (>) or less than (<) minutes.

40 - Site Unknown Driver Report
This report shows you all the unknown drivers that have driven all your vehicles in the specified date range. You can filter this report based on drive time and kilometeres travelled.


41 - Driver Licence Expiry
If you have added the driver's licence details in Edit Drivers on the RM page then you can run a report here to show the expiry dates.


42 - Infringements without Debriefs
When using the IDM module this report will show you all infringements that have not been debriefed as well as those who had had debriefs started but not committed.


43 - Digital Driver Licence Expiry report (DB Expiry)

This report shows you the digital driver card numbers and expiry dates. It can be ordered by expired, soon to expire and all.


44 - Driver Card Change Tracker

This report shows the drivers who in the specified date range have used two cards. This can be used to check that a driver is using the correct card after card replacement and to ensure that a driver is not using two cards in the system.


45 - Cross Site Infringement Summary


46 - Cross Site Driver RTD Report


99 - Driver Next Start Report By Driver

This report shows the next possible start time for the selected drivers.


Category Reports
The following category reports are available


Category reports descriptions

47 - Category Infringements Summary
This displays a summary of infringements. This may be sorted by either driver name (alphabetical order), by their number of points per duty or by % Infringement points per duty. 


Article ID:
Views: 753
Created By: nicholas.bath
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 11/8/2018 10:11 AM
Last Modified: 11/8/2018 12:11 PM
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