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Home > RHA Analysis > Charts


To obtain a detailed graphical and numerical representation of the driver’s duties and any infringements, select the Charts tab from the RHA Analysis menu. 


The charts page will then open, the page will look blank as no data has been selected yet. 



Select the Driver/Vehicle you wish to view by selecting the name from the tree view list on the left side of the window. Alternatively, type the drivers name in the search box, and then click on the name in the list produced below the search function.



When a driver or vehicle is selected from the left, a list of duties will show in the Chart List box. These will include any extra data that has been placed against the driver in the Driver Calendar (Rest days, Holiday, Sick, Yard duties etc).

You will see a drivers infringements, over speeds, debriefed infringements and any faults or events stored against the day.



You will also be able to mark a day as Domestic, check if the driver has marked any part of his day as out of scope and place a marker against the day for a delayed journey, (for example, an accident on his route caused him to be delayed in arriving at his end location).


Markers have been placed on each duty where there is something of note, these are detailed in the picture below.



By selecting the day in the duty window that has this marker (or any day that you require to view), the page will change to show all the details from that day, as well as allowing the duty action buttons to become active.



   View Chart - This brings up an image of the analogue chart or the digital file.


  Infringement Debrief Form - This creates a pop-up window with an Infringement Debrief Form ready for you to complete, save and print.


  Alter Digital Duty - This opens a pop-up window to alter digital duties that have been added to the RHA Analysis system. (Changes are NOT made to the RAW data).


  Reset Digital Duty - This highlights when changes have been made to a digital duty. Clicking this icon will take the selected duty back to the raw state (how the duty was originally read) and delete all changes you have made.


Duty Details Pie Chart -This produces a printable pie chart of the duty selected and shows the percentages each activity takes up.


  Duty Details Report - This produces a printable report showing a breakdown of the duty selected.


View Speed Trace - This will produce a speed trace for the duty selected if the vehicle has been downloaded and the download device has been set to capture speed trace.


 - This can be ticked to indicate that the driver was delayed during his shift and that there may be possible reasons for infringements.


- This can be ticked to alter the rule set applied for that duty to Domestic Rules.

Article ID:
Views: 693
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 9/25/2018 9:18 AM
Last Modified: 10/19/2018 2:16 PM
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