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Home > RHA Analysis > Reporting Suite > Reports


The main analysis and reporting functions are carried out in the RHA Analysis package. From the main menu click on the RHA Analysis icon to open this page.

This (by default) will open in the reports section of RHA Analysis, from here you can run reports against your data. The type of reports are: Site, Categories, Drivers and Vehicles.

This page is made up of three sections (left, middle and right). The left box shows the currently selected section (sites, drivers, vehicles), the middle box shows the selected data from these sections

(a list of drivers, vehicles, sites, categories) and the right-hand box shows the reports available for the data selected. 



For example, to run the site reports click on the site name at the top of the tree view menu on the left-hand side of the screen, this will select the site reports and will place a green tick against the name to signify that this option has been selected. 


The site name will then show in the middle box on the screen and the site reports will show in the right-hand side box.



You can now select the report that you require to run, this is done by clicking on the small triangle symbol next to the report or group of reports you require and then select the report. This will place a green tick against the report you have selected (see below) 



In the screenshot above you can see that some reports have a green cell next to them and some have a yellow cell. When you select a report to run, other reports that can be run at the same time will have the green cell, reports that cannot be run at the same time have the yellow cell. Once you have selected the reports that you require to run you will now be able to select the date range (if applicable) for the report(s) you have selected, some reports do not require a date range. 



Once you have selected your date range you will then be able to click the Generate button found on the bottom right of the web page



A new window will then open containing the report(s) that you have chosen (if there are no parameters to choose) or a pre-window will appear allowing you to change the parameters for your reports.




Once you have set the parameters you require, click on Generate and the report will be produced.

At the top of each report, you will find the report control panel: 



This allows you to move between pages (if the report has multiple pages), export the report in different formats (Excel, PDF) print the report and zoom in and out. Placing your mouse over each icon on the control panel will give you a pop-up telling you what each icon does.

Once you have finished viewing this report, you can close this window and you will be back at the reports page where you can select another report(s) if required.

Driver and Vehicle reports are run in the same way as site reports, just by selecting the drivers or vehicles in question.

Article ID:
Views: 462
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 9/25/2018 8:59 AM
Last Modified: 10/18/2018 3:20 PM
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