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Earned Recognition

DVSA earned recognition is a new way for organisations with lorries, buses and coaches to prove they meet driver and vehicle standards.


At the end of every reporting period the DVSA will be sent your earned recognition report if you have caused any triggers. If you have not breached any triggers the DVSA will receive a blank email. This is confirmation that your organisation has not triggered in the current reporting period. Learn more about the scheme HERE.


The report will only be sent to the DVSA if you have joined the scheme.


Example of the Earned Recognition (ER) report generated within RHA Analysis.


The report that is does not identify any drivers names or vehicle registrations.



Under RHA Analysis you will see the Earned Recognition page.



The ER page is for the operator to have full breakdown capability on the trigger points.



Along the top of the dashboard you will see each reporting period. Hover over the column name to view the date covered.


Each row is what the report is recording.





Triggers will be either be yellow, amber or red depending on how much the trigger has gone over.


The report will only trigger and be sent to the DVSA if you have caused a trigger point in D1 - D6. The DVSA will look at D7-D9 if you have caused a trigger in D1 - D6.


If you triggered you will see a red line appear at the end of the period you triggered on. Click the red information button to download the report the system sent to the DVSA at that point in time.




D1 Fixed Penalty Band 1 - Any time a duty is altered.


KPI Colouring:

Yellow: 1.31%

Amber: 2.30%

Red: 3.30%


You should only alter data if the driver has either; left their card in on Other Work between shifts or incorrectly set a manual entry

D2 Fixed Penalty Band 2 - Any infringement which qualifies for a £100 fixed penalty.


KPI Colouring:

Yellow: 1.21%

Amber: 2.20%

Red: 3.20%

D3 Fixed Penalty Band 3 - Any infringement which qualifies for a £200 fixed penalty.


KPI Colouring:

Yellow: 0.81%

Amber:  1.80%

Red:  2.80%

D4 Fixed Penalty Band 4 - Any infringement which qualifies for a £300 fixed penalty.

KPI Colouring:

Yellow: 0.71%

Amber: 1.70%

Red: 2.70%

D5 Overall infringements - This is the percentage of all driving hours infringements.


KPI Colouring:

Yellow: 4.10%

Amber: 5%

Red: 6%

D6 Working Time - This is just reporting on the working time infringements.


KPI Colouring:

Yellow: 4.10%

Amber: 5%

Red: 6%

D7 Repeat Offenders - A repeat offender is a driver who has got either; At least one infringement in 3 rolling periods or 3 infringements in 1 period.


1 repeat offender will cause a red trigger.

D8 Unaccounted Mileage - Unaccounted Mileage is any instance of unknown digital driver over 5KM.


1 unaccounted mileage will cause a red trigger.

D9 Most Serious Infringements (MSI) - An MSI is either: 


Exceeding the maximum 6-day or fortnightly driving time limits by margins of 25% or more.


Exceeding, during a daily working period, the maximum daily driving time limit by a margin of 50% or more without taking a break or without an uninterrupted rest period of a least 4.5 hours.

1 MSI will cause a red trigger.


The dashboard will warn you if the system is going to send the report to the DVSA with this message:



Click on any of the trigger points for a detailed breakdown.


This will display the drivers and infringements that is causing the trigger.



Click the infringement to see the full breakdown on the right-hand side.



- Re-analyse the duty as domestic


 - Alter the digital duty. Please note, you will cause the percentage in D1 to increase by altering the digital duty


 - Reset any altered digital duty back the original chart


  - Create an infringement debrief form for the driver


 - Generate a duty breakdown report


Click  to return to the main ER dashboard.

Article ID:
Views: 343
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 9/25/2018 10:29 AM
Last Modified: 10/19/2018 3:44 PM
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