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RHA View

To view the status of your Drivers and Vehicles (last download dates) along with data regarding infringement levels and other KPI’s, in a quick to view format you can use the RHA View section of RHA Analysis.


When you first open the page it will be blank (unless your company has setup default widgets for you). These can be changed/removed or added too, creating a dashboard unique to your requirements.


To remove any widget from the page, click on the X   in the top right-hand corner of that widget. This will permanently remove this widget from your dashboard until you manually add it back in again.


To add a new widget click on + symbol  at the top left-hand side of the screen, the Add a widget box will appear in the middle of the screen




From the drop-down menu select the widget that you require, set the default settings for that widget and click on Create Widget. The page will reload and the new widget will be added to the bottom of the current widgets.


You can now move these widgets around to arrange them in your preferred order (click and hold on the red title bar of the widget and drag it to another location).

You can change the settings on a widget by clicking on the gear wheel symbol   in the top right-hand corner of that widget. This will open the data view



You can then click on the Settings tab on the left-hand side of this view and the page will change to show the settings for this widget.



Once you have made the changes that you require click on the “Update Widget” button to save these settings and close this box.

The RHA View page auto-updates each widget on a different timescale, the time remaining till each widget updates can be seen in the bottom left-hand corner of each widget, this is in Minutes and Seconds.

Article ID:
Views: 1560
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 9/25/2018 11:16 AM
Last Modified: 10/22/2018 8:53 AM
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