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RHA Driver

The RHA Driver dashboard allows you to inform, involve and educate your drivers with their own analysis readings. You can grant a driver access to their own driving hours and tachograph compliance levels.


As a system user, you will be able to see a quick overview of each driver.



On the dashboard you will be able to see:

  • The drivers' name and DB number
  • The division the driver has been added to
  • The category the driver has been added to
  • The agency the driver has been added to
  • The earliest time the driver can start after the last card download. Please note, this information is most accurate if the card is downloaded after the drivers' shift has ended
  • The date and time the drivers' digital card was last downloaded
  • The next recommended weekly rest (Full = +45 hours, Reduced = +24 and up to 45 hours)
  • How many times the driver can reduce their daily rest. A driver can reduce their daily rest from 11 to 9 hours 3 times a week
  • How many times the driver can extend their daily maximum drive time in a fixed week. A driver can extended their drive time up to a maximum 10 hours twice a week
  • How much drive time a driver has got left within the fortnightly period

Click  to view more information on the driver.


The next page will load on a separate tab. The page will display detailed information about the driver you have selected.




This is the page the driver will see if you have provided them with login details. Please navigate to the Users page for more information.


You can find out more information by clicking the button located at the top of each section.

  • Data We Have About You - Information taken from the card download or information entered by a system administrator
  • Earliest Next Start - The date and time the driver can next start based off the last card download
  • Card Processed Details - When the drivers' card was last downloaded
  • Fortnightly Drive - Total driving figures from last week and current week and how much drive time the driver has got left in the current week
  • Reduced Daily Rest Available - The amount of times the driver can reduce their daily rest
  • Next Weekly Rest - The drivers' recommended next weekly rest
  • Extended Drive Available - The amount of times the driver can extend the daily driving time
  • Working Time Details - A breakdown of the the drivers' working time details:

Weekly Avg Until Last Sunday -  The drivers' current working time average in the reference period

Legal Limit Avg Until Last Sunday - The limit the driver can work next week. This figure may change upon the next card download

Current Week Total Working Time - The drivers' current week total working time figure


Located at the top of the page, click  button to access the drivers digital/analogue charts.


You will be presented with the drivers chart selection page.


Use the month selector on the left-hand side to choose the month the calendar displays.


Click a day on the calendar for a more detailed breakdown. The calendar will display different symbols:


Entries added on the driver calendar under RHA Analysis



Chart symbols

 - Digital chart and how many charts are attached to the drivers' working day

 - Infringement


Once you have selected a chart you will be able to see a full breakdown of the drivers' day.



Article ID:
Views: 3891
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 9/25/2018 11:29 AM
Last Modified: 10/22/2018 11:59 AM
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