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Infringement Debrief Form

Once you have selected the day with an infringement in you can carry out a debrief. This will allow you to record the reason the infringement occurred and the action that you have taken with the Driver to stop this from occurring again.

To carry out a debrief select the duty(s) in question and click on the . The system will automatically open a new window containing the debrief form, this will have been automatically prefilled with the infringement(s) and the duty days.



You now can fill out the relevant sections 1. Debriefing Notes – This is where you record what was said by the driver, to the driver and any relevant reasons for the infringement (accident, delay etc.). 2. Next Action – Here you select the action taken at the time (there are a series of default actions, but new ones can be created from the settings section under Infringement Debrief Management).



To the right of this section are a series of Other Option tick boxes that you can also use.


It should be noted that once the Commit! Option is chosen, and the page saved no further changes can be made to this document.


Once all entries have been completed, select the “Save” icon. You will then be able to select the required IDF form and print the report.

You can select multiple infringements to be debriefed at the same time by using the CTRL button on your keyboard and selecting them from the chart list. You can also use debriefs on days that infringements have not occurred if you need to put a note against a driver’s duty.

Article ID:
Views: 1527
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 9/25/2018 9:28 AM
Last Modified: 10/19/2018 2:19 PM
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