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Driver Calendar

The Driver Calendar is an organisational tool to help you keep track of charts, drivers, and their duties as well as manually adding non-Tacho duties such as training, yard work, Holidays and Sick days. These entries are important if you are going to be using the RHA Analysis system to monitor and report on your Working Time Directive (WTD).

To access the Driver Calendar, click on the RHA Analysis option in the RHA Analysis menu bar and select Driver Calendar, then select Driver Calendar from the side menu that appears.



This will open the Driver Calendar window, by default, this will show 28 days before the current date.



The Drivers Name Cell Displays the driver's name, the last analogue chart, last digital chart, and the date of the last download of the driver's card. This last date will highlight amber or red depending on the number of days since the last download. The default settings are (Black – less than 14 days, Amber - more than 14 days but less than 21 days and Red if it is more than 21 days). 



Clicking on an empty date cell in the calendar will produce a Create Fixed Duty box:



This allows you to enter fixed day data such as Holidays, Rest, Sick etc.


Sick Days, Holidays, Pat/Mat Days will record 8 hours for WTD.

Week Holiday and Week Sick (which should be used for a 5-day period between Monday and Sunday) will record 48 hours for WTD.

Unpaid sick, Vacation, Rest, Available and Exempted Vehicle do not insert data in for Working time records but does allow you to have a complete record of your driver’s week.


The Variable tab (located just under the Fixed tab) allows you to create a record where you can add separate activities and times for the day where no Tachograph has been used and the driver has not created a manual entry on the VU Unit. This ensures that the driver’s Working Time Directive Hours are accurate. Examples of this; Yard duty or Office work.



When looking at the calendar you may see days highlighted in red (see below)



This is to signify that on this day an infringement has occurred. If you click on the day in question a pop-up box will appear giving you more details:



From this screen, you can then select any tab from the left-hand side to view for that section. To help you know if data has been recorded on each section the number of records is shown next to it. Above we can see that the Digital Charts have a blue 1 next to it and if we select that tab the following screen is displayed.



From here we can click on the View link under the Action section which will open a popup window displaying the chart in a graphical view.



You can also upload documents against a driver’s day. This allows you to store important files against a driver on the system which can then be viewed from any location. Select the relevant driver and day that you wish to upload a document against.



From here click the “Upload Documents” button in the bottom right hand corner of the window. This will open the Upload Documents screen as below.


The driver and date are pre-populated (based on the selection made earlier). Using the drop downs under “Tag Vehicles” and “Tags” select the correct vehicle (if required) and Tag. Tags have been created by your management team and examples are: “IDM, Till Roll, Vehicle Check Sheet”.


Once the document has been uploaded the individual cell will show a new icon. 




From here click on the Open button (highlighted above) to open the document.


At the top of the Driver Calendar, you can see the following menu bar.



The menu bar is broken down into several distinct sections.



These buttons allow you to go back (left-hand side of the screen) or forward (right-hand side) by 1 Year, 1 Month or 1 week (per click) from the date currently showing on the screen.


 This will load a Legend to help understand the colours and icons. 



Typing a driver’s name or part of a name (Example Paul) into the search box will display all the drivers that contain this name or part of a name.

Article ID:
Views: 1168
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 9/25/2018 9:32 AM
Last Modified: 10/19/2018 2:56 PM
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