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Resource Manager

Resource Manager is the section of RHA Analysis where you can add and make changes to drivers and vehicles you can also manage categories, match drivers and make other amendments to a driver or vehicle’s information.

To access Resource Manager, select the RHA Analysis drop-down menu and select Resource Manager. 



When first opened, the page opens in the driver view and lists all the available drivers. From here you can edit a driver, move the driver between categories or agencies, mark the driver as no longer working for you, mark the driver has opted out of the Night-Time Working Rules (dependant on your company setting) and add licence details if required.



To edit a driver, click on the edit button on the right-hand side of the screen and the following screen will appear.



Make any changes that you require and then click on the Save button, this will close this window and return you to the list of drivers.

Selecting Match Drivers will allow you to match an analogue and Digital driver and amalgamate all the records. If you have no Analogue drivers this option will not show for you.



The screen will show all analogue drivers in your fleet, selecting the Match button against the driver’s name will open the selection box where you can select the digital driver to match against.


Selecting the Driver Categories tab will allow you to view the existing categories as well as editing and adding a new category.


Selecting Driver Agencies will allow you to create an agency category. A category/agency can be called anything, e.g.; Days, Nights, Late Shift, A Shift etc. 



Selecting the Vehicle Tab will allow you to view all vehicles in your fleet as well as edit them. Editing a vehicle allows you to place them into categories, mark them as inactive or non-fleet as well as place other maintenance dates against them.



Clicking the Edit button at the end of the row on the vehicle you require to change will open the following popup.



From the screen above you can move the vehicle into a category, place a custom id against the vehicle and view the Tachograph details (workshop name, address, next calibration date and purpose of calibration) as recorded from the VU unit.


Extra maintenance dates can be placed against a vehicle (these show on the Maintenance report) by clicking on the Maintenance Dates tab in the left-hand menu. This will then display the following data.



From here you can add the due dates required for Tax, MOT, next inspection, and next service.


Occasionally you may need to exclude vehicles from your overdue widget (RHA View) and the overdue vehicle report (normally when a hire vehicle is returned or you sell or remove a vehicle from your fleet). To do this click on the exclude vehicle tab.



You will be able to mark a vehicle as inactive and place a reason and description as to why you are marking the vehicle as inactive.


Selecting the Vehicle Categories tab will allow you to view the existing categories as well as editing and adding a new category.



You can have 5 main vehicle categories (the left-hand box) and as many subcategories (right-hand box) as you require. Once you have created a main category only then can you create subcategories. This allows you to have vehicles in multiple categories (if required). The categories can be called anything relevant, Volvo, 7.5 Ton, Tippers, Artic, Rigid etc.


The Charts for Unknown Drivers tab allows you to assign a period of unknown drive to the correct driver. This function only shows the times that a vehicle has been moved or driven without a driver card inserted. These entries will require investigation to see who was driving the vehicle so that the information can be recorded against the correct driver etc.


In theory, the only entries on this report should be when a driver has reported to you, and the DVSA/DVLA, that his card has been lost/stolen or is defective. In practice, however, we find that vehicles are moved around the yard without insertion of a driver card. It is also possible that engineers will pick up vehicles for service or external delivery/service staff use the vehicle and sometimes they do not insert their cards.


These entries will need to be checked to determine the reason behind them and where possible registered against the relevant driver/engineer. Any entry that cannot be assigned to a member of staff should be noted on the report and the report filed for future reference.


To assign unknown drivers to the correct driver click on the Charts for Unknown Drivers tab in the left-hand menu.


The screen will then display any instance of a vehicle being driven with no card inserted.



Each row will show you the details of the unknown drive. These are the Vehicle Registration, start time, end time, and total Km’s travelled.

At the top of each column you will see a search box, you can use this to filter the results down to a single vehicle, date range or no of Km’s.


In the example screen shot we have selected the filter button , this allows us to select the options, greater than, less than or equal to.


At the end of each row you will see the Reassign and View Chart buttons.


These allow you to view the raw data (useful for checking who drove before or after the unknown drive) and to set the Unknown drive to the correct driver. Clicking on the Reassign button will open the following window where you can then select the drivers name or assign a reason for the missing Km’s.



Once in this box, clicking on the drop down containing your driver’s names will allow you to select from a list of drivers.

Once you are sure you have selected the correct day and driver, click on the reassign button. This window will then close and your list of Unknown drive will re appear minus the date you have just corrected.

You can also use the “Assign a reason for missing mileage” (by selecting this option in the top part of the window) where you can then select from Prior to joining the fleet, Yard Shunting, Servicing and Other.


These reasons will then show in the Charts page as well as on any reports.

“Prior to joining the fleet” can be used for hire vehicles that may not have been locked correctly by the previous company who used it (if a vehicle is not locked to any company then this information is available for everyone to download), in these instances you may receive unknown drive for when the vehicle was not being used by yourselves.

“Yard Shunting” can be used for any movement of the vehicle around the yard that may occur between vehicle use, ie, you have a shunter who attaches the trailer and moves the vehicle to a specific location, takes the vehicle to be fuelled, cleaned etc.

“Servicing” should be used when a vehicle is taken for service by a workshop/engineer and they do not insert their drivers card.

“Other” allows you to write in a reason for this missing mileage, it should be noted that this reason will only appear on the Vehicles Missing Mileage Tracker Reports (S48/V17) the charts page will just show “Other”.


If the value you are trying to assign is more than 5km’s, or is within 1 minute of a known drive, or has other work/POA that corresponds to it, you will not be able to assign this mileage from here. To assign this item you will need to go to the charts page and assign this from there. This is to allow you to investigate the missing mileage before you assign a reason.

Once the charts page has loaded, you can select the relevant vehicle and day that you require to assign. At the top of the duty details pane you will see a new symbol (highlighted in the screen shot below). This will open the same Reassign Unknown Chart window as in the Resource Manager page, from here you can select the driver or reason.


Article ID:
Views: 976
Created By: George.Townson
Modified By: [Modified By]
Created Date: 9/25/2018 10:07 AM
Last Modified: 10/19/2018 3:33 PM
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